Woodhill Complete A130-C2 is one of the cowboys’ favorites at the ranch for his look, ease of flesh and his docility. His sons are making great curve bending sires for our commercial customers while his first set of daughters are our best uddered cows. The phenotypic quality he transmits is an extra bonus to the numerical figures he puts together with every economically relevant trait in the top 25% of the breed. His mother by Hoover Dam who produced Complete as her first calf just produced a $25,000 sale highlight this spring at Woodhill and recently sold for $22,000 to Riverbend Ranches in Idaho. Owned with Woodhill, R.A. Brown Ranches and Trey Poage.
Click here to view his pedigree and EPDs
Semen available $25/straw, $40/certificate. Contact Beef 360 for semen

WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 was the lead off lot in Wagonhammer’s 2015 Total Performance Sale. This Connealy Cavalry son out of a great CC&7 female had the Top WW & WW EPD, 2nd Top ADG, and Top YW & YW EPD in the entire Wagonhammer lineup. He is currently in the top 1% of the breed for $B, $F, $C and YW. His first daughter offered at auction brought $95,000 with 4 daughters averaging over $30,000 the same day. He tragically was struck by lightning and semen is limited. Contact us for semen availability.
To view pedigree and EPDs, click here.

WDZ Kingsman 737 P was our selection out of the Zehnder-Waage Partnership pen at the 2018 NWSS where he was described by judge John McCurry as the most unique bull in the show. He combines that high quality phenotype with a great disposition and a balanced set of numerical figures. His daughters are making outstanding cows and his sons are highlighting commercial herds across the country. Genex CRI has partnered on Kingsman and semen is available through Genex or Bovine Elite.
Click here for pedigree and EPDs

WAR Pwyt’s Warwagon D502 – The top selling bull of the 2018 Total Performance Production Sale to Swanson Cattle Company and Glover Cattle Company, Warwagon looks like he’s going to make a mark across three breeds. This highly fertile 1682 son put up 1,600 units of semen in about 3 weeks at stud and has continued as a breeding bull in the pasture (picture taken at Swanson Cattle breeding pasture). Both his Final Product dam and Rocky granddam are beautiful moderate framed females that are highly fertile and consistently early calving. His combination of a 13 CED to 121 YW, a top 20% $B and exceptional phenotype make him a bull that fits a lot of industry needs. Calves include the high selling female in 2020 to Mark Angus in Canada and the high selling bull in 2021, WAR Albion H191, to Dudley Booth in WY.
Click here for his pedigree and EPDs

WCR Icon 756 P was our selection along with Leachman Cattle Company of Colorado as the top selling bull of the 2018 Wienk Charolais sale. Icon combines a tremendous phenotype with one of the most unique set of EPD values in the breed. The calving ease has been stellar on his calves and the first daughters are making nice cows!
Semen available through Bovine Elite, click here to go to semen page.

Moore Capital was our choice as the top selling bull of the 2019 Moore Angus sale in SD. His first calves are tremendous with a growth, foot and bone that exceeds expectations from his 13 CED to 135 YW spread. His progeny highlighted the 2021 SD Angus Tour with attendees from across the country admiring the performance that he adds to first calf heifers. Semen available $25/unit, $30/Cetificates
Click here for his pedigree and EPDS

WAR Currency H028 was selected in 2021 to join our herd bull battery. He is a combination of two of our senior herd sires Exchange Rate and Complete. His dam has made her way quickly into the donor pen and is excelling in embryo production. Currency came of cows in the best condition this summer of any of our young bulls. His feet, features and muscle expression along with his maternal look get us excited about his impact on our cowherd and yours. Semen available $25/unit, $30/Certificate.
Click here for his pedigree and EPDs

WDZ Strategy 811 P – When we went looking for a Resource son, it was no surprise that we’d find a good one at Zehnder-Waage’s partnership, the breeders of Kingsman. This flush brother to the 3rd overall female at MN State Fair is out of Twizzler back to the great Skittles. Those cows form one of the foundation families of that program and Strategy’s daughter’s prove why. He’s a calving ease bull with look and style to make show heifers along with the stoutness to make herd bulls. He’s quickly making himself a place as one of our best commercial bull producers. Semen available $25/unit and $30/signing

Styles Exchange Rate V661 – When we saw the first calf crop out of this maternal brother to our foundation herd sire Upgrade, we knew that we needed to add this Cash son to our program. His calving ease and docility are second to none while his sons are making great commercial heifer bulls and his daughters will be front pasture cows. Sons include WAR Currency and the third top selling bull to Hall Stock Farm in ND. Owned with Moore Angus, Artesian, SD. We’ll have 100 bred heifers available in fall 2021 all AI’d to Exchange Rate.
Click here for his pedigree and EPDs
Semen available from owners. $25 straw/$50 certificate, call for commercial volume discounts.

LT Dupree 9010 was our pick of the 2020 Lindskov Thiel Sale and he’s proven to be a real breeding bull covering over 40 heifers last spring. His dam by S Foundation is proving herself as one of the top cows in the LT herd. Look for his first progeny to highlight the 2022 Total Production Performance Sale. Semen available $25/unit $30/certificate
Click here to view his pedigree and EPDs

KR Outlier was selected as a highlight of the 2019 sale at Krebs Ranch after being the anchor bull of their NWSS Fall Yearling Division Champion pen of bulls, he has done nothing but impress. He possesses an outcross pedigree with TEF Outside and HF Stimulator in a calving ease and highly docile package. His first calves are impressive, fancy, calving ease, docile cattle. If you are looking for an outcross to breed show heifers to, here he is. Semen available $25/unit, $30/certificate
Click here for pedigree and EPDs

KCF Bennett Stockade – Coming to Wagonhammer as one of the highlights of the 2017 Knoll Crest Farms sale, this son of 1682 is out of a full sister to the Select Sires featured K C F Bennett Fortress. His full brother sold for $70,000 to Kolberstein’s in Colorado. Stockade impresses with the product that he puts into a sound package. He combines elite growth with moderate birth weight and calving ease figures that we look to improve as his first calf crop gets to weaning time. Owned with ADR Cattle Company, Fincastle, VA and Knoll Crest Farms, Red House, VA
Click here for pedigree and EPDs
Semen available $25/straw, $30/certificate